I guess in a way it's a kind of funny reason she is getting a one on one aide at school. It's something I have known a long time and experienced first hand with her....Janelle is a danger to herself! The girl may be behind other kids in many ways, but running, jumping, climbing, and generally getting into everything isn't one of her weaknesses. In fact she is the first one of my children I have used a child restraint harness on (Nice way of saying a leash).
Nellie has no fear and doesn't understand when we express something is dangerous so she runs of large bodies of water, into roads etc etc. At school she has taken to running out of the classroom to the point the must keep the doors closed. We learned this same lesson at doctors offices. You now where they have the rooms with the pull down and they pop open. Yep those are Nellie's favorite. She also has jumped of the top of a playground at school and can't tell people when she is hurt, or I take that back she can scream in pain, she just can't tell us where it hurts.
We have had many scares with her. Once she had eight stitches in her tiny finger. She moved just a little faster than me and got it stuck in a can. She has taken falls off furniture, down stairs etc. Her physical therapist noted the danger of Nellie on stairs. It's scary at times, but I have learned to be right on top of her. The only thing that stinks is I will only leave her with a select few people who I know will watch her closely and because of that babysitters are hard to come by.
I'm really hoping this aide will make her day at school safer, but in all reality why can't I have one for her at home?
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