Have you ever seen the Steven King movie Ride The Bullet? Basically it about a person having to make a choice between living and dying. Nellie was the person who fought to live. More than 50% of miscarriages occur because of chromosome abnormalities more than 50%!!!!!!!!! 5% of miscarriages are caused by single umbilical artery. Nellie had both of these things. She had more than a 55% higher risk of miscarriage. She had a greater chance of being a boy than survival. All I can think of is when the weather man says there is a 50% chance of rain. I compare it this way. If a drop of rain had fallen Nellie would have died, thank God the sun kept on shining!
Nellie fought to live, just as she fights to learn, to do the things they said she couldn't. She thrives, grows (A lot), learns. Everyday she shocks me with the knowledge she has gained. When she was almost three they did an IQ test that said hers was only 70! Boy, she proved them wrong.
I'm so proud of every accomplishment and every milestone. I wish sometimes I rode the bullet like she has. So many times things in life have looked so bleak. I've heard stories of people trying to end it or succeeding in their attempts and I think man, if only they knew Nellie. How could someone want to die when someone so little fought so hard to live? I'm reminded of a woman I met when I was pregnant with Devony and I won't name her but just say her baby was in my expecting club. This little baby was born so sick she spent months in the hospital. She could have died so many times. In fact there was a good chance she would die. That baby too rode the bullet. Everyday there are babies riding the bullet. They do the one thing so many are afraid to do...they live!!!!!
I suppose it sounds weird to compare babies to a Steven King movie, but in this case I must. If you haven't seen the movie watch it and you'll understand. I'm happy to say now I gladly throw my fears to the side and I too am riding the bullet and doing so with my arms up in the air, screaming with joy!
Gosh darn it, Steph, you've got me tearing up here! Nellie has a lot to teach a lot of people. I'm glad that you are blogging about her every day.
ReplyDeleteSteph, you have GOT to stop making me cry like this!