I explained to the children how our household will be run from here on out, at least when it comes to the kitchen. No more pizza, good bye McDonald's ours has been a long relationship, so long High fructose syrup you will be missed, so long to everything that will cause my sweet Nellie to grow bigger and unhealthier.
I want to share a little background on Nellie's weight problem. From birth to the age of 2 1/2 she was under weight. She was always sizes behind her peers and pounds behind them too. She had been diagnosed as a baby with a feeding delay and would not eat solid foods. For a long time milk was her major meals. All of the sudden though something changed she began gaining and eating.
This was a vicious cycle that happened so quickly I didn't notice at first. People began to comment about how fat she was getting. My mother would tell me I had to do something with this weight problem as she handed Nellie a cookie. I will from here on out thwart all attempts at sneaking Nell's a treat. I am putting a sign on the door announcing if you have food with you turn around and leave. Her siblings had everything explained to them and understand that yes they are normal weights, but they too must help out and not eat goodies in front of Nell's. They must eat them outside. We do have one child who is extremely underweight and needs the extra calories. This will be interesting to say the least!
I'm hoping in a few months we will see a huge difference in all of us! So watch out healthy lifestyle here we come!
Nellie 4th of July 2009 24 Pounds
Nellie 4th of July 2010 60 Pounds
Steph-If ever there was a great reason to change your families habits, its the health of one of your children. Best of luck, Nellie will appreciate it!