Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Nellie is so loved

Today I wanted to talk about our home life with Nellie. Many people would assume since Nellie is so high needs the other children get pushed to the wayside. So, not true. In fact the other kids spend so much time with Nellie if anything I get pushed to the wayside! So here is a run down of Nellie's siblings and how she interacts with them:
David- He's the funny guy. A classic big brother he is very protective and Nell's loves to irritate him as much as possible. Usually he laughs, but I know when she jumps on him it has to hurt!!!!!
Sara- Our little mother hen. She will answer to each of Nellie's beck and calls. She will be the first one to Nellie if she falls and gets hurt, or to yell at me if Nellie needs something and I don't move fast enough.
Leanna- Her and Nellie have a very special bond that goes beyond sisterhood. I know deep down they have a connection I'll never fully understand. There is a love there that is impossible to put into words.
Emma- Sometimes I wonder if Emma truly realizes that Nellie is disabled. She plays with her as if she were any other of her siblings. She gets angry with Nellie for breaking something and laughs at Nellie when she's silly.
Devony- At first Nellie wanted nothing to do with her baby sister. The first thing he said about her was: No, no, mommy no touch it. Now she gets a kick out of the fact Devony thinks she's the funniest thing since Rip Torn! She also likes to sneak the baby foods she can not have, another reason I think Devony adores her.
The new baby- I'm not sure Nellie understands there is a baby in mommy's tummy. I asked her if she wanted a new baby sister or brother and she flat out said no, no baby so we shall see!!!!!!
Our house is often full of chaos and laughter. There are moments when I want to hide, but it's in those moments someone does something to make me laugh. If there's one thing I know for sure our children as much as they fight will one day be very close and Nellie will never be lacking for one thing, the most important thing...LOVE!!!!


  1. Wow there is so much love in your home.

  2. Wow Steph - This post brought to light why people decide to have "large" families. As a mom that has decided to stop at 2 it makes me realize that yes I will miss the chaos but I will also miss the abundance of love from so many siblings:)
